Himalayan Yoga Retreat

This uniquely curated 4-Day yoga and meditation retreat is an invitation to reintroduce yourself into harmony with the natural rhythms of nature through yogic practices, conscious breathing, nature walks, sattvic food and immersion in the magnificent Himalayas. There is an inherent need for our racing mind to feel grounded and relaxed. What we are offering is a space to contemplate, have a clearer understanding of your mind, body and emotions through simple yet profound Yogic practices along with ample of time to reflect and connect with like-minded community. Being so close to nature will also help regulate your circadian rhythm, naturally shifting your body and nervous system to a deeply relaxed state. This may also help you battle insomnia, addiction, anxiety, depression, stress or fear. Our modules are designed to expand your understanding of yoga beyond poses, thus, setting an enquiry into it’s holistic nature.

Who is this retreat for?

No prior experience in yoga is required to join this program. If you are a seasoned practitioner or teacher, this retreat will give you an opportunity to refine and deepen your yoga practice. The retreat is open for anyone who is seeking more clarity, wanting to establish a deeper and meaningful connection with their body, mind and heart.

Retreat Location

The retreat centre is set amidst lush green Himalayan valley around 40 minutes drive from Dharamshala. Formerly a quiet British hill station, Dharamshala is now home to a diverse mix of vibrant cultures ranging from Tibetan community to local Himachali diaspora. The property is surrounded by expanse of tea gardens overlooking the majestic Dhauladhar range of the Himalayas. Our retreat centre is a sanctuary that invites seekers and nature lovers who wish to spend some time in quietude and contemplation in the lap of the Himalayas.

Why join this retreat?

Our primary intention with this program is to equip you with tools to manage your body, mind, thoughts and life more efficiently using simple but life-changing yogic tools. We aim to achieve all this while not taking life or the practice too seriously and inviting a sense of playfulness and light-heartedness. Whether you are seeking physical health, mental peace, spirituality or simply a change in your daily routine, our Himalayan Yoga Retreat will surprise you with it’s diverse and expansive offerings.

Go back with profound takeaways to live a healthier, happier and abundant life!


  • 2 yoga sessions daily, morning and evening – Hatha/ Ashtanga / Yin / Restorative
  • 4 Nights/4 Days accommodation in a spacious and tastefully designed rooms.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner – Wholesome, organic & Sattvic vegetarian meals cooked with love.
  • Group activities and cultural immersion
  • Excursion & Hiking– Local monasteries, villages and tea gardens.
  • Facilitator’s Fees
  • Shatkarma cleansing kit
  • Booklet, guide and information sheets

Retreat Facilitator

Nidhi Singh

Nidhi is an ardent practitioner and teacher of traditional ashtanga and hatha yoga. She is a certified yoga instructor and has been exclusively trained in mindfulness, leadership and coaching (UpRising Leadership Program, England).

She is the founder of Yoga Kiran, a yoga institute based in Varanasi, India which remains dedicated to spreading awareness about the ancient wisdom of yoga through their uniquely curated yoga & meditation retreats, workshops and online classes.

Nidhi’s offerings are an extension of her own spiritual and learning experiences. She aims to share the understanding of yoga beyond asana (physical practice) and increase awareness about yoga as a holistic system. Having facilitated groups & courses in India and abroad, Nidhi has a rich experience in guiding people into meditation and sharing the subtleties of yogic science. She has conducted numerous workshops with the youth, women, schools, colleges and corporate organisations on building awareness, restoring mind- body connection, relaxation and self transformation through yoga. She thoroughly enjoys experimenting with methodologies based on Vedanta, Zen, Taoism, Buddhism and Sufism.

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